DAFFODIL SOCIETY SHOW 2020 cancellation

With regret The Daffodil Show due to take place at the Birmingham Botanic Gardens on 18/19 April 2020 has been cancelled. This is such a shame as we were really looking forward to returning to the Society’s roots. We would like to thank the Botanical Society staff for all the assistance they have given in the preparations for this years show.

For those of you who have booked for the Show dinner your dinner deposits will not be lost. Please contact Terry to confirm that your show dinner deposit cheque may be destroyed. If you paid for a show dinner and an AGM dinner on one cheque you will also need to contact Terry.
The Society will carry forward the Show dinner arrangements with the hotel for 2021.

However if you have booked accommodation with this hotel you will need to contact the hotel in person to discuss your individual booking arrangements. For your information Roger has not lost his room deposit and has been able to carry it forward to 2021.

Thanks to Roger and Terry for untangling all of this. It has been a busy time

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