Daffodil Society late show – GOOD NEWS

Good news. Our show Manager has found a venue for the Society late show. It will be held on Saturday 28 April 2018 at The Orchard Community Centre, Kings Reach,  Biggleswade

We look forward to seeing you there

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2 responses to “Daffodil Society late show – GOOD NEWS”

  1. Richard Gillings says:

    I would like to correct this article as the people who found our new late show venue
    were I believe Gill and Dale Griffin with help from Michael and Sandra Baxter and others in the Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire areas. I had been struggling to find a new venue and on behalf of the society would like to thank all those involved as we can now
    hold our third late show in our own right.
    More information will be available in the new year, although the Subscription secretary
    did include details in membership renewal packs

  2. Editor says:

    Well done to all those involved. Apologies from the Website Manager