Shuttleworth Swiss Garden, Bedfordshire

Thanks to Michael Baxter for these lovely pictures of the SHUTTLWORTH SWISS GARDEN AT OLD WARDEN AERODROME, BEDFORDSHIRE. What a glorious sight.


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Rosemoor Gardens

Daffodils in RHS Rosemoor Garden

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George Tarry Award 2022

Congratulations Chris Bone.
Chris Bone has been the secretary of the Daffodil Society’s Northern Group since 2006. his love of daffodils and succesful growing and showing stretches back over 40 years. He is a former Daffodil Society committee member and accredited Society judge.
It was a sad day when the DS Mid Southern group folded through lack of volunteers for the Officer and Committee posts. The regional groups are the lifeblood of the society. We hope that through their loyalty and hardwork members like Chris, can encourage others to get involved in this fine tradition of growing and showing daffodils.

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Rosemoor show 12/13 March 2022.

It was so good to return to RHS Rosemoor for the Daffodil competition & Hyacinth competition. The sight and scent of a flower filled hall was a delight and it was clear from the surge of visitors pouring in as the doors opened that it wasn’t just the exhibitors who had missed this joyous event.
Frankie Charlton’s long journey from the North East was well worth it. He had some strong , colourful flowers in Class 1, Six cultivars, one bloom of each successfully overcoming three other entrants to be the worthy winner of a beautiful crystal trophy. Polgooth, was the Best Bloom in the show, Ombersley, Navigator, Seville Orange, Honeybourne, Corby Candle.
Other notable wins included a vase of three Corby Candle, 3×3 blooms of Navigator, Seville Orange and Habit.
To be honest the single vase classes were rather on the thin side with some colourful but unexceptional flowers. Division 6 entries from Richard Mc Caw provided a winning Susies sister and a Trena seedling combination. Division 4 found the first and third placed Heamoor split by a Kiwi Sunset.
I like to see multi stemmed collection vases and Ivor Clarke had a nice set of Early Choice x 2, Honeybourne, Bramcote Gem and an Unknown flower but this was fairly beaten by five stems of Queen’s Guard shown by Richard Mc Caw.
The Miniature and Wild Daffodils section saw the strongest entries with six competitors in the Nine vase Crystal trophy class. Brian Duncan’s winning entry was a delightfully fresh set, with some colour, conventionally arranged with alternate coloured perianth that won the heart of all three judges. Great Try , the best Miniature Bloom in the show, Little Tweet, Eenie, Speedie plus seedlings frpm N jonquilla, N dubius and N triandrus concolor completing his collection. There was excellent competition and it was a joy to be able to see so many charming and exquisite hybrids a real testament to the skill of the raisers.
All this section had a good range of entries with some unusual flowers. Ann Wright achieved first, second and third place with a “Persil white” N cantrabicus, a well rounded Mitimoto and a rarely seen Hedraenthus lutealentus out of 12 entries in Class 25.
Her delightfully pale and elegant Andy Blanchard drew much admiration (or was that envy?) in Class 24 and her winning entry in Class 29, three miniature species was diminutive but startlingly bold and bright with a buttery yellow N calcicola, a pure white N triandrus and a lemony yello N x incurvcervicus.
Ann is also “Queen of the pots”. All her entries achieved firsts and were superb examples of good growing and attention to detail. N provincialis, N asturiensis, Coo and Papa Snoz.
There were also some more readily available miniatures with prize cards. Humming bird and Jetage had strong colour and form and Roundita, albeit substantial next to some entries still had daintyness and good form. Two Bulbocodium hybrids caught the eye. Golden Palace , of good size with neatly spaced distinctive green perianth segments and Capilla Gold with a deep green eye will surely be seen on showbences in the future.
The show was topped by Adrian Scamp who produced a stunning trade display. From a slowish start the sudden hastening of the season clearly gave him a magnificent range of form and colour fdrom which to create such an eye catching display.
Meanwhile those taking a turn around the beautifully kept garden would have seen daffodils in their prime throughout the borders. Jack Snipe, Rosemoor Gold and Rapture make such an impact. Then N. cyclamineus meadow and waterside looked stronger than when I last saw them in 2019 and the N. Bulbocodium likewise. There were N pseudonarcissus in the entrance and car parking area . It was so good to be back.

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Spring has Sprung

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The Daffodil Society: Wessex Group

This years DS Wessex group show takes place on Sunday 10 April 2022 at the Village Hall, Henton, near Wells, Somerset.
The show is open to both members and non members of the Daffodil Society resident within the Wessex area ie. the traditional county boundaries of Dorset, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Somerset and Wiltshire.
A telephone entry for the Championship and multi vase classes needs to be made to the Show secretary Gwynne Davies Tel: 01202 477978 or email: gwynnemdavies;at;aol;dot;com by Wednesday 6 April 2022.
All other exhibits can be entered on the day of the show but contact with Gwynne to confirm attendance would be helpful.
For a schedule, contact Derek Phillips Tel: 01761 435178 or email uncle;dot;ted01;at;outlook;dot;com

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DS Journal 2022

The 2022 Journal has been despatched. If you have not received your copy, please check that your membership is up to date and then contact the Editor Camilla Bassett-Smith  greygablesmedia;at;gmail;dot;com

Note :  You should also have received cards allowing entry to the Daffodil Society show at Birmingham Botanical Gardens on the 16/17 April.
Please remember to take them with you when you attend the show.

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Benfleet HS – Change of Show Date

Benfleet Horticultual Society has notified us that their annual spring show will now take place on Sunday 3rd April and NOT on Saturday 2nd.
The date as shown in the Daffodil Society Journal is therefore now incorrect.

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Daffodil Society AGM 2022

Just a reminder that The Daffodil Society is holding the Annual General Meeting on Sunday 6 March 2022 at the King’s Court Hotel, Kings Coughton, B49 5QQ. Business starts at 11am.

The Society has vacancies and welcomes new Committee members with enthusiasm and new ideas.  Could you consider becoming our Membership secretary? Would you be able to assist our long standing Secretary with a view to taking on the job?
None of these tasks are too onerous although there are peak times of the year – but these times generally do not affect your daffodil growing.

Have a chat with our Chairman Ian Tyler for more informatiom.
Email madddaff;at;googlemail;dot;com.  Tel 01257 425541

Our guest speaker at the AGM is John Gibson. John is a well respected hybridiser of both standard cultivars and miniatures and a succesful exhibitor. It will be a good afternoon.



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Earlier flowering daffodils?

There have been several reports that flowering plants are budding and blooming earlier now that our winters are warmer
Yes, there are early flowering daffodils to be found where they are well established in sheltered spots in gardens or hedgerows or are an early flowering cultivar.
However the general opinion amongst growers and the RHS Bulb committee is that daffodils are keeping to their normal growth cycle and may actually be a little later this year. The mild Autumn did have an impact because daffodils are stimulated into growth by a cold spell.
Will they catch up? Anyone who has found a bag of daffodil bulbs languishing in their garden shed will know that even if they are planted in January they are likely to flower around the same time as September planted bulbs. Light levels, moisture, temperature and the division and colour of the bulbs can all affect  how a daffodil grows and flowers so the situation can change.
Foliage this year in the south west looks healthy and all set for a good display.
Photographs of daffodils in flower are welcome at jmpetherbridge19;at;btinternet;dot;com. . Watch this space!


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